Sunday, February 27, 2011

sri lankan frog

I found a Sri Lanka Bullfrog aka. Sri Lanka Painted Frog Kaloula taprobanica, while I clearing a garbage bin, outside my Kitchen on 23 November, 2007. It was hiding underneath the bin. And with its distinctive color pattern, it caught my attention straightaway. This was my first encounter with this little frog. But I knew what it was the very moment I saw it. This frog has an interesting life-cycle, and is known to live a life of underground existence during the dry times, at times being found in 10-12 feet below, at times! It surfaces out during the wetter times for breeding.

A frog is a fresh-water amphibian of the family Ranidae. They are called name as toad. The Ranidae are sometimes called the "true frogs" since a few members of other families also have common names including the word "frog.".

In many parts of the world the frog population has declined drastically over the last few decades. Pollutants are one cause for this decline but other culprits include climatic changes, parasitic infestation, introduction of non-indigenous predators/competitors, infectious diseases, and urban encroachment.

Frogs generally come out in the night. There are more color and more specific frogs in the world


Dendrobates azureus is a type of poison dart frog found in the forests surrounded by the Sipaliwini savannah, which is located in southern Suriname and Brazil. Dendrobates azureus is widely known as the Blue Poison Dart Frog or by its Tirio Indian name, Okopipi. It takes its species name from the fact that it is colored azure.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

There are more amphibians in the world. this web site support to you to find any Amphibians with live in  anywhere.I think this information is useful  to everyone who surfing this can visit Amphibians where in the wold and  hereditary to Sri can see through this site birds,fishes,rain forest,waterfalls,tourism places and any more........

you can see amphibians ssuch as frogs, salamanders, and caecilians.